Keri Hilson Height report

Keri Hilson is a Singer, songwriter, actress from Decatur, Georgia, United States, Keri Hilson was born on December 05, 1982, and is currently 41 years old. Keri Hilson's height is 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm.

In addition to Keri Hilson's height, below and you can see the detailed information list of Keri Hilson, including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.

Keri Hilson Basic Information
Name Keri Hilson
Height 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm
Weight 57 kg or 126 lbs
Birthday December 05, 1982
Age 41
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Nationality United-States
Born Place Decatur, Georgia, United States
Birth Name Keri Lynn Hilson
Nick Name(s) Keri

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Keri Hilson's Body Measurements 35-24-37 in or 89-61-94 cm
Keri Hilson's Bra Size 32C
Keri Hilson's Brand Endorsements Keri Hilson has done endorsement work for the following brands Avon (2010)
Keri Hilson's Build Average
Keri Hilson's Distinctive Features
  • Tall height
  • Broad smile
Keri Hilson's Dress Size 4 (US) or 36 (EU) or 8 (UK)
Keri Hilson's Education Background Keri Hilson attended Oxford College at the Emory University in Atlanta. She had selected theater as her major. However, she didn’t graduate from the university as she had secured a record deal in her senior year.
Keri Hilson's Eye Color Light Brown
Keri Hilson's First Album In March 2009, she released her debut studio album, In a Perfect World…, which sold over ninety thousand copies in the first week and made its US Billboard 200 chart debut at the #4 spot.
Keri Hilson's First Film In 2012, she made her theatrical film debut in the romantic comedy movie, Think Like a Man, playing the role of Heather. The film had a star-studded ensemble featuring Terrence J, Taraji P. Henson, Gabrielle Union, and Kevin Hart.
Keri Hilson's First TV Show In 2007, Keri Hilson made her first TV show appearance as herself in the romantic drama TV series, One Life to Live.
Keri Hilson's Hair Color Black (Natural) But she is better known for dyeing her hair in blonde hues.
Keri Hilson's Instruments Vocals
Keri Hilson's Label(s) Mosley Music Group, Zone 4, Interscope Records
Keri Hilson's Manager Keri Hilson is represented by the Los Angeles based ICM Partners.
Keri Hilson's Occupation Singer, songwriter, actress
Keri Hilson's Race / Ethnicity Black
Keri Hilson's Religion Unknown
Keri Hilson's Sexual Orientation Straight
Keri Hilson's Shoe Size 8.5 (US) or 39 (EU)

This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of Keri Hilson. The height of Keri Hilson is 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of Keri Hilson. If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.

This page provide the details of Keri Hilson height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.


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