Celebrity Height
We collected the basic information of more than 16000 celebrities from all walks of life of the world, including height, weight, and other size information(such as waist circumference), as well as zodiac sign, hobbies, and some interesting facts. These celebrities include singers, movie stars, sports stars, directors, and politicians. In addition to this basic information, you can also see detailed information according to different occupations, such as what instruments the singer is best at playing? What competition did the athlete take part in for the first time? What was the director's first film? What was the movie star's first film, etc. at the same time, we also collected the official websites and social media pages of these celebrities (Facebook, youtube, Instagram, Wikipedia, IMDB)
Use the search box below to quickly find your favorite celebrities.
List of Directors & Producers
Tiësto Height
Gauri Khan Height
Armin van Buuren Height
Alfie Deyes Height
Hardwell Height
Edgar Wright Height
Dan Schneider Height
DJ Snake Height
Steven Spielberg Height
Charlie McDowell Height
Christopher Nolan Height
Patty Jenkins Height
Jordan Schlansky Height
Philip Rosenthal Height
Steven Piet Height
George Lucas Height
Brad Falchuk Height
Pamela Eells O’Connell Height
Jimbo-lee (YouTuber) Height
Ava DuVernay Height
Alfonso Cuarón Height
Adam Duritz Height
Aditya Chopra Height
Paul Greengrass Height
Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi Height
Yash Chopra Height
Dillon Francis Height
Dustin Lance Black Height
Sandeep Reddy Vanga Height
Kyle Newman Height
Alex Balfanz (Badcc) Height
Diablo Cody Height
John A. Davis (Director) Height
Hideo Kojima Height
DJ Clue Height
Justin Simien Height
Adam Horowitz Height
Ryan Murphy (Screenwriter) Height
Mark Burnett Height
Neeraj Pandey Height
Sigala Height
Barbara Muschietti Height
Tari Segal Height
Adam DiVello Height
David O. Russell Height
R3hab Height
Aaron Sorkin Height
Chris Henchy Height