"Nurse Shark" Related Articles
Basking Shark Size
Basking sharks are large marine creatures. They have an obvious phenomenon of vertical movement between day and night and often float on the water when the weather is clear. At other times, basking sharks inhabit the deep water layer below 100 meters, and the deepest can reach 700-1000 meters. The b ...
Salmon Shark Size
The Lamna ditropis, also known as the salmon shark, is a shark found in the North Pacific. The salmon shark is an apex predator, eating salmon, squid, cod and herring. Their gender distribution differs between the eastern and western Pacific, but the reasons for this have so far been unclear.The sal ...
Greenland Shark Size
The Greenland shark (scientific name: Somniosus microcephalus) is known for its slow movements and resides farther north than any other shark. They are the closest relatives of the Pacific shark. Greenland shark meat contains a neurotoxin called trimethylamine oxide. This shark is as ferocious as th ...
Mako Shark Size
The mako shark (scientific name: Isurus oxyrinchus) is a large shark with a ferocious nature and extremely fast swimming speed, which may be the fastest among sharks. Mako sharks are widely distributed in tropical and temperate waters of the world's oceans. Their habitat depth ranges from the surfac ...
Rainbow Shark Size
Rainbow shark (scientific name: Epalzeorhynchus frenatus) is native to Thailand. Among the many species of tropical fish, the rainbow shark is a medium-to-large species. Because of its strong adaptability and relatively low requirements for water quality, rainbow sharks have become a popular aquariu ...
Red Tail Shark Size
Red-tail shark (scientific name: Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is one of the most common tropical fish species native to Thailand. Red Tail Sharks are an eye-catching freshwater fish with their simple but striking appearance. This species has gotten a lot of interest from the aquarium community.The origi ...
Bala Shark Size
The Bala Shark (scientific name: Balantiocheilos melanopterus), commonly known as the silver shark, is a species of the cyprinid family Cyprinidae in the class of ray-finned fishes. This species is native to Asia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sumatra, and Kalimantan, and it was once listed as an endangered ...
Port Jackson Shark Size
In the large sea world, sharks are not all fierce predators. The eight known species of Heterodontidae family are all relatively small in size, generally 50-150 cm in length. Among them, there is a species with a very unique appearance, living in the southern coast of Australia, their name is Port J ...
Angel Shark Size
The Angel shark (scientific name: Squatina squatina) is a unique species in the family of sharks; its shape is different from the common shark; its body is flat, its pectoral and anal fins are broad, and it is very good at burying itself in the sand to disguise itself as part of the seabed. They are ...
Lemon Shark Size
In recent years, more and more people have been interested in lemon sharks. The lemon shark, known as Negaprion brevirostris in the scientific community, is just one of the over 1,000 species of shark you can find across the globe.Poey first described the short-nosed lemon shark in 1868 and named it ...
Nurse Shark Size
As we all know, sharks are very ferocious marine animals. You have heard of a marine animal called nurse sharks; they are completely different from the sharks you know. The nurse shark (scientific name: Ginglymostoma cirratum) is a docile species found in the Atlantic Ocean's tropical coastal and su ...
Zebra Shark Size
The leopard shark (scientific name: Stegostoma tigrinum) is a warm-sea bottom-dwelling fish, mainly inhabiting the medium sharks along the continental shelf and island shelf and in the coastal waters. This marine species has a docile temperament; its traces can be seen in sandy mud bottoms, gravel b ...
Thresher Shark Size
The Thresher Shark is also known as the Alopias Vulpinus or Fox Shark. Its name comes from the shark's unusually large tail (caudal fin). This species rarely reaches water below 500 meters and is widely distributed in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans' tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions.Fox ...
Blacktip Reef Shark Size Guide
In our impression, sharks are ferocious and frightening marine creatures. However, we will introduce one of the sharks with a mild personality, the blacktip reef shark. The blacktip reef shark (scientific name: Carcharhinus melanopterus) is often mistaken for the blacktip shark in the ocean.As their ...
Blacktip Shark Size
The Blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) has always been easily confused with the smaller blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus). As the name suggests, blacktip reef sharks love the warm waters on and around coral reefs. And blacktip sharks prefer to spend most of their time in open water ...
Goblin Shark Size Guide
The Goblin Shark (scientific name: Mitsukurinidae owstoni) is a deep-sea shark most notably characterized by a protruding snout that can be used to sense prey. Their two jaws move forward, and they can suddenly stretch out like a spring to attack the prey and bite tightly with their teeth like thin ...
Sand Tiger Shark Size
Sand Tiger Shark (scientific name: Carcharias taurus) is a large shark in coastal waters. Sand tiger sharks are ferocious predators in the ocean kingdom, with powerful swimming abilities and sharp teeth that can instantly pierce prey. However, they are usually quiet and swim slowly. They are not agg ...
Megamouth Shark Size
Megamouth shark ( scientific name: Megachasma pelagios) is a mysterious species that most people have never known. It was first officially recorded by humans in 1976 and was described as a new species in 1983. As of June 2021, only 269 Megamouth sharks have been confirmed worldwide in 45 years. Beca ...
Frilled Shark Size
The Frilled shark (scientific name: Chlamydoselachus anguineus), a genus in the family Chlamydoselachus, also known as the quasi-eel shark, is the most primitive type of shark with no subspecies differentiation, known as a "living fossil." There are six-gill slits on both sides of its body, and the ...
Bramble Shark Size
Bramble Shark (scientific name: Echinorhinus brucus), also known as Spiny Shark, is the earliest known shark vertebrate with shark-like and bony fish features. The sticklebacks first appeared in the late Silurian period and lasted until the early Permian period. This marine species was once widespre ...
Whale Shark Size
The whale shark (scientific name: Rhincodon typus) has a huge body, with a total length of up to 20 meters, and is the largest fish in the world. Whale sharks are mainly distributed in various tropical and temperate sea areas. Its biggest appearance feature is that the body surface is scattered with ...