"European Hornet Appearance" Related Articles
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The pallet is a platform device used to place goods and products as unit loads during stacking and handling. As an important loading, unloading, storage, and transportation equipment in the logistics operation process, pallets are used in conjunction with forklifts to play a huge role in modern logi ...
Murder Hornet Size
By seeing this nickname: murder hornet, you can know that they are incredibly threatening. According to this nickname, you might think that the attacks of these tiny insects are enough to kill humans, but this is not the case. Although the murder hornets, known as the Asian giant hornet (Vespa), are ...
European Hornet Size
The European bumblebee is the largest wasp species characterized by a social group. It is native to Europe and the only "true" species of hornet found in North America and was introduced by European settlers in the 1800s. European hornets are generally considered dangerous pests by those who come in ...
German Cockroach Size
The German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is the most widely distributed and difficult to control worldwide household hygiene pest. In addition to stealing food, contaminating food, damaging clothing, books, and destroying computers and other precision instruments, causing economic losses, the main ...
Friesian Horse Size
The Friesian horse is a hardy breed native to the Netherlands, sometimes known as the "Belgian Dark Horse." This ancient cold-blooded horse breed was bred in the province of Friesland in the north of the Netherlands. It is also known as the "Black Pearl of Frisia" because of its black and shiny appe ...
Egyptian Mau Cat Size
Egyptian Mau is a medium-sized shorthair cat breed whose most notable feature is the irregular leopard print on its fur. Egyptian Mau is the only not captive-bred among the spotted tabby cat breed. They are born with a dotted pattern, and are known as "small leopards."Egyptian Mau cats are medium in ...
Peterbald Cat Size Guide
Peterbald cat is a famous breed native to Russia. Many people mistakenly believe that Peterbald cats are hairless like Canadian Hairless cats; however, Peterbald cats' hair is very fine and close to the skin. In 1998, Peterbald came to the United States for the first time from Russia. Peterbald cats ...
Singapura Cat Size
Singapura is native to Singapore and was discovered in the early 1970s. It is the smallest domestic cat breed worldwide; some even weigh around two kilograms. It is also known as sewer cat because the early cat breed was not popular in the place of origin and was often forced to live in the sewer, h ...
Oriental Shorthair Cat Size
The Oriental Shorthair is a type of Thai cat breed that existed centuries ago. The Siamese cat, characterized by coat spots, is the most famous cat breed in Thailand. Both originated in Thailand; the difference between Oriental Shorthair and Siamese is only in the color of their coat and eyes.Both c ...
Ragamuffin Cat Size
Maybe you have already discovered that Ragamuffin cats are similar to Ragdoll cats. The Ragamuffin cat, indeed, was bred from Ragdoll cats. In the 1970s, some cat lovers couldn't stand IRCA's strict and narrow selection and breeding standards for Ragdolls.People began to choose other cat breeds to m ...
Tonkinese Cat Size
Tonkinese Cat is a purebred shorthair breed bred from a cross between a Burmese cat and a Siamese cat, native to Canada. In the 1930s, an American named Thompson brought a chocolate-colored Siamese cat from Burma to Canada. After crossing with Burmese cats, this breed was created.This cat breed inhe ...
Korat Cat Size
The Korat cat, also known as the silver cat, is native to the Korat Plateau in northwestern Thailand. It is an ancient natural cat breed with very few amounts. This cat breed was introduced to the United States from Thailand in 1959 and was recognized by CFA and TICA in 1966 and 1969. The breed was ...
Manx Cat Size
The Manx is a special cat breed native to the Isle of Man, UK. The peculiarity of this cat is that the purebred Manx is completely tailless. However, Manx cats with small tails, stump tails, and long tails also are produced during the breeding process. The Manx cat also has a long-haired breed, the ...
LaPerm Cat Size
In the cat family, LaPerm cats are pretty famous for their beautiful curly hair. Their hair can be long or short, the short ones are curved, and the long ones are spiral. However, it is incredible that many LaPerm cats are hairless when born and look extremely ugly. But as long as you take care of i ...
Himalayan Cat Size
Don't be misled by the name of the Himalayan cat; this cat breed has nothing to do with the Himalayas. The Himalayan is a cat native to the United Kingdom and North America. This cat breed appeared in 1924 as a cross between a Siamese cat and a Persian cat; it was named the Himalayan cat because it ...
Javanese Cat Size
Don't be misled by his name; despite the name Javanese, the breed does not originate from Java. The Javanese cat is a short-haired domestic cat breed native to the United States, which appeared in 1940. During the breeding of the Balinese (Semi-long-haired Siamese), American breeders obtained a semi ...
Somali Cat Size
When many people hear the name of the Somali cat, they always think that this cat breed is closely related to Somali pirates. Its name originated because the Somali cat is produced in Somalia. The Somali cat looks like an Abyssinian cat but has a semi-long coat.It is said that the Somali cat is a lo ...
Chartreux Cat Size
The Chartreux cat, also known as the Chartreux blue cat, originated in France; it is said to be a breed bred by monks of the Carthusian monastery in France. While mouse-catching cats were popular with farmers in France, Chartreux cats were bred as pets to preserve their shiny coats. This cat breed w ...
Japanese Bobtail Cat Size
The Japanese Bobtail is a cat breed that originated in Japan due to genetic mutation. The Japanese Bobtail has a history of about a thousand years, and some people think it was introduced to Japan from China or Korea more than 1,000 years ago. The tail of the Japanese Bobtail is only about 10 cm lon ...
Turkish Angora Cat Size
The Turkish Angora is one of the oldest purebred cats in the world, originating from Turkey. Introduced to Europe in the 16th century, mainly in France and England, the Angora cat was the most popular long-haired breed at the time. In the mid-19th century, the popularity of the Angora cat gradually ...
Angora Rabbit Size
Angora is a world-famous rabbit breed, a long-haired rabbit; its hair is thick and fine. According to the data of the international ARBA organization, the Angora rabbit originated from the Angolan province of Turkey. Another theory is that it originated in the United Kingdom and was bred by the Fren ...
Lionhead Rabbit Size
Lionhead rabbit is a world-renowned pet rabbit native to the Netherlands, the United States, Belgium, and other places. It is a more common rabbit breed in Europe, but ARBA has not recognized it. The Lionhead rabbit is the descendant of the Angora Rabbit and the Pygmy Rabbit.They resemble Bunny rabb ...
Turkish Van Cat Size
The Turkish Van, native to Turkey, has a silky, medium-length white coat. The Turkish Van cat is a national treasure of Turkey. It originated in the Van Lake area of Turkey and was mutated from the Turkish Angora cat. Strictly speaking, the Turkish Van cat is a strain of the Angora cat. Introduced t ...
Cornish Rex Cat Size
The Cornish Rex cat is a world-famous curly shorthair cat. It is one of the Rex cats, and the another is the Devon Rex. The Cornish Rex's coat is cured from head to toe, all the way to the whiskers. The curl in their fur is caused by a different mutation and gene than the Devon Rex.The Cornish Rex i ...
American Curl Cat Size
The American Curl is one of the most common domestic cat breeds in the United States. This cat breed is not artificial but formed by a genetic mutation. The ears are curled, rounded at the ends, and covered with decorative hairs around the ears. People should be especially careful with their ears to ...
Devon Rex Cat Size
The Devon Rex cat is one of the Rex cats. It was discovered in 1960 near an abandoned tin mine in Devon, England. It belongs to a variant of the shorthair cat. The biggest characteristic of the Devon cat is the short, fine, curled coat; like the Cornish Rex, it has no guard hair, but the coat is not ...
Selkirk Rex Cat Size
The Selkirk Rex is one of the most famous four curly-haired cat breeds. The Selkirk Rex has an extraordinary curly gene derived from a natural mutation in a domestic cat. In 1987, breeder Jeri Newman found a domestic cat with the curly gene and crossed the curly cat with a Persian cat; then, she got ...
Ocicat Size
Ocicat is a domestic cat breed bred in the United States. It is named after a lynx named Ocelot in the central continental United States, but it has no blood relationship with the Ocelot. Ocicat was bred from Abyssinian and Siamese cats and later joined the American Shorthair lineage. The Ocicat loo ...
Pixie-Bob Cat Size
The Pixie-Bob is a natural cat breed discovered in the 1860s, not bred. A short tail characterizes this breed. Pixiebob usually has a short, even nonexistent tail, but this varies from cat to cat, and they can have tails of any length. Pixie-Bobs are usually short-haired, but long-haired varieties d ...
Scottish Fold Cat Size
The Scottish Fold cat (scientific name: Felis silvestris catus) is a cat breed with a genetic mutation in the ears. Since this cat breed was originally found in Scotland, it is named after its place of discovery and physical characteristics. Scottish Fold cats have a fold in the ear cartilage that b ...
American Wirehair Cat Size
The American Wirehair is a unique American domestic cat breed, a genetic mutation from the New York farm cat. In 1966, kittens born in Judea Farm, New York, USA, had a black-and-white mutant for coat color. Cat lovers have prudently bred with the American Shorthair based on this gene. After about te ...
Asiatic Lion Size
The lion is a big feline and the only one living in groups. Currently, lions are mainly distributed in Africa and the South Asian subcontinent. Those distributed in Africa are collectively called African lions, and those distributed in the South Asian subcontinent are called Asiatic lions. Due to th ...
Birman Cat Size
The Birman cat is known as the "Sacred Cat of Burma." According to the legend, the Birman cat was first raised by monks in ancient Burmese temples and regarded as the god cat of the temple. It was introduced to Europe in the 18th century and gradually became a stereotype. The Birman cat was first id ...
American Eskimo Dog Size
The American Eskimo is a member of the Pomeranian Spitz family, and many dog lovers prefer to attribute it to a Nordic breed. The American Eskimo dog mainly originated from the European Pomeranian breed. 1000 BC, living on arctic land, with multi-colored fur, pricked ears, and a long fluffy tail cur ...
Moon Jellyfish Size
Moon jellyfish (the scientific name: Aurelia aurita) is widely found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. The moon jellyfish is a typical drifting jellyfish. This beautiful jellyfish is named for its umbrella-shaped body, which looks like a moon when viewed from the side and has shorter cili ...
Sand Tiger Shark Size
Sand Tiger Shark (scientific name: Carcharias taurus) is a large shark in coastal waters. Sand tiger sharks are ferocious predators in the ocean kingdom, with powerful swimming abilities and sharp teeth that can instantly pierce prey. However, they are usually quiet and swim slowly. They are not agg ...
Megamouth Shark Size
Megamouth shark ( scientific name: Megachasma pelagios) is a mysterious species that most people have never known. It was first officially recorded by humans in 1976 and was described as a new species in 1983. As of June 2021, only 269 Megamouth sharks have been confirmed worldwide in 45 years. Beca ...
Frilled Shark Size
The Frilled shark (scientific name: Chlamydoselachus anguineus), a genus in the family Chlamydoselachus, also known as the quasi-eel shark, is the most primitive type of shark with no subspecies differentiation, known as a "living fossil." There are six-gill slits on both sides of its body, and the ...
Bramble Shark Size
Bramble Shark (scientific name: Echinorhinus brucus), also known as Spiny Shark, is the earliest known shark vertebrate with shark-like and bony fish features. The sticklebacks first appeared in the late Silurian period and lasted until the early Permian period. This marine species was once widespre ...
Morgan Horse Size
Morgan horse was the most famous and widely distributed horse breed in the United States in the twentieth century. It then fell out of favor, and its breeding was placed under government supervision for a period. This horse breed was bred from a horse of the same name as its owner, Justin Morgan.Mor ...
Andalusian Horse Size
The Andalusian horse is one of the oldest and purest horse breeds in the world. Andalusian and its blood cousins, such as the Lusitano horse, Carthusian horse, AlterReal horse, Castilian horse, Exeter horse, and the Zapatero horse, etc., have a similar appearance to the horses in the drawings that w ...
Shire Horse Size Guide
Have you ever seen a horse as big as an elephant? Is there such a big horse in the world? This kind of horse is called the Shire horse, and it is one of the most famous draft horses in the world, that is, horses mainly used for plowing and pulling goods); it is also one of the largest horse breeds i ...
Arabian Horse Size
The Arabian horse is an ancient and precious horse breed in the world, native to the Arabian Peninsula. Archeology has found that this horse breed originated 4,500 years ago. This loyal and majestic animal was protected by the Bedouin (Arabian nomadic people) through long-term careful breeding under ...
Appaloosa Horse Size Guide
The Appaloosa is a common horse breed in the United States, the famous spotted horse. It is said that Appaloosa horses have been bred from wild horses in the Nez Perce Indian territories of North America that were descended from Spanish horses brought by Spanish explorers. Appaloosa horse is named a ...
Clydesdale Horse Size
The Clydesdale is a heavy draft horse breed; it got the name because it was bred in the area of Clyde River in Lanarkshire, Scotland. More than 5,000 Clydesdale horses are distributed in European and American countries worldwide.In 1715, native mares were crossed with Flemish stallions to improve th ...
Haflinger Horse Size
The Haflinger is a mountain horse bred in Austria and northern Italy in the late nineteenth century. They are not tall, and their coat is usually chestnut, with an attractive light golden mane and long tail. The Haflinger horse was first used as a pack horse to carry goods on rough mountain roads, b ...
Akhal-Teke Horse Size
There are more than 300 horse breeds in the world, among which the three most famous strains are the Akhal-Teke horse, Thoroughbred horse, and Arabian horse. In the following article, we will share interesting facts about Akhal-Teke horses, including their physical features and average body size.The ...
Przewalski's Horse Size
Przewalski's horse (scientific name: Equus ferus) is one of the most famous horse breeds, a large herbivore. Przewalski's horse, the last remaining wild horse breed in the world, came back from wild extinction. Przewalski's horses inhabit mountain grasslands and deserts. They are alert by nature and ...
Shetland Pony Size
Shetland pony is a horse breed named after Shetland Island in northeastern Scotland, where they are native. This pony breed is known for its small body size, a shoulder height of about 0.7-1 meters, thick fur, and stubby limbs. It is the smallest of all ponies.In England, Shetland ponies were origin ...
European Wild Horse Size Guide
The European wild horse (scientific name: Equus ferus ferus), also known as Tarpan (Turkic name), is a wild horse breed that once ran freely in Eurasia. The last wild European wild horse died in Ukraine in 1876, and the last captive one died in a Russian zoo in 1909. Since the 1930s, countries world ...
Eastern Green Mamba Size
The eastern green mamba belongs to the cobra family, a highly venomous snake that lives in eastern Africa. The eastern green mamba is as green as bamboo, its head is as thin as its body, and it can move flexibly between branches. Eastern green mambas are highly arboreal and do not stay on the ground ...
Black Mamba Snake Size
The black mamba (scientific name: Dendroaspis polylepis) is a member of the cobra family. It is the longest snake in Africa and the deadliest in the world. It is also one of the fastest snakes in the world, with a speed of 16~20km/h.Black mamba snakes are mainly distributed in sub-Saharan East Afric ...
Corn Snake Size
Corn snake (scientific name: Pantherophis guttatus) is a carnivorous reptile in the snake family. It gets the name because this snake often appears in cornfields. There are red or reddish-brown markings with black edges on its body and checkered markings with alternate shades of light on its abdomen ...
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Size
The western diamond rattlesnake (scientific name: Crotalus atrox), mainly distributed in the western United States and northern Mexico, is a relatively common venomous snake species in the United States. This species is smaller than the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. This species is relatively dro ...
Whale Shark Size
The whale shark (scientific name: Rhincodon typus) has a huge body, with a total length of up to 20 meters, and is the largest fish in the world. Whale sharks are mainly distributed in various tropical and temperate sea areas. Its biggest appearance feature is that the body surface is scattered with ...
Bowhead Whale Size
The Bowhead whale (scientific name: Balaena mysticetus), whose name comes from its huge and unique bow-shaped head, is a large marine mammal. This huge species is also known as Greenland Right Whale, Greenland Whale, and Arctic Right Whale. Among all the baleen whales, only the bowhead spends its en ...
Bryde's Whale Size
Bryde's whale (scientific name: Balaenoptera brydei) is a member of the baleen whale family that lives in tropical to temperate waters around the world. Bryde's whale is very similar to the sei whale; the main difference is that the sei whale is on both sides of the central ridge from the front of t ...
Humpback Whale Size
The humpback whale (scientific name: Megaptera novaeangliae) is a tropical warm sea cetacean. Humpback whales are known for their out-of-water stance, extra-long forewings, and complex calls. They are usually docile and have the habit of migrating, but their swimming speed is relatively slow.The hum ...
Ball Python Size
Ball pythons (scientific name: Python regius) is native to West and Central Africa, from Senegal to Uganda, living in grasslands and shrublands. They are the smallest African pythons; they like low-light environments and become active at dawn and dusk.In Europe, they are known as "royal pythons," an ...
South American Bushmaster Size
South American Bushmaster (scientific name Lachesis muta), also known as Amazonian Bushmaster. It is a venomous pit viper species and found in South America and the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. This large and deadly species is mainly found in the Amazon basin, eastern Brazil, and the Atlanti ...
Parasaurolophus Size
Parasaurolophus (genus name: Parasaurolophus), which means "almost-crested lizard," is a genus of hadrosaurids that lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous period, about 76 million to 73 million years ago. Fossils of Parasaurolophus have been found in Alberta, New Mexico, and Utah. Paleont ...
Brachiosaurus Size
The Brachiosaurus (Brachiosaurus altithorax) engulfed by volcanic ash and magma in the movie "Jurassic World 2" made countless viewers shed tears, and it also reminded people of this sad and helpless tall dinosaur. Brachiosaurus is known for having huge forelimbs and a long giraffe-like neck. It can ...
Diplodocus Size
Diplodocus is very similar to Brachiosaurus, and Samuel Wendell Williston first discovered its fossilized skeleton in 1878. Diplodocus lived in western North America at the end of the Jurassic period, dating from 150 million to 147 million years ago. It is one of the easiest dinosaurs to identify, w ...
Brontosaurus Size
Brontosaurus is a member of sauropod dinosaurs. Its name means "thunder lizard" in Greek. Othniel Charles Marsh named "Brontosaurus excelsus" in 1879, but this name was officially abolished in 1974 and replaced by Apatosaurus in 1879. However, after research and confirmation, Apatosaurus and Brontos ...
Stegosaurus Size
Stegosaurus is a huge herbivorous dinosaur that lived in the late Jurassic period, about 150 million years ago. It has a row of huge bony plates on its back and a dangerous tail with four spikes to defend against predators; then it got its name. The word Stegosaurus means "roofed lizard." They live ...
Blue-ringed Octopus Size
The blue-ringed octopus, also known as the leopard octopus, is widely distributed in the Pacific Ocean between Japan and Australia. It is a small octopus with an arm span of no more than 15 cm. The vibrant and dazzling blue-ringed octopuses aren't just for show.In the ocean, the blue-ringed octopus ...
Argentinosaurus Size
Argentinosaurus belongs to the titanosaur group of sauropod dinosaurs. The origin of the name of this ancient species is very simple, meaning the dinosaur species found in Argentina. Argentinosaurus lived from the mid-Cretaceous period to 93 million years ago in the late Cretaceous period, about 100 ...
Iguanodon Size
Iguanodon, which means "iguana's tooth," belongs to the group of large ornithopod dinosaurs. The origin of its Latin name is because Gideon A. Mantell discovered a set of teeth of Iguanodon in 1825, which looked like the teeth of an iguana. The teeth were the first strong evidence that Iguanodon was ...
Ankylosaurus Size
Ankylosaurus means "sturdy lizard" and was an armored herbivore dinosaur. The fossils of Ankylosaurus were discovered in the formations of western North America, such as Montana, Colorado, Alberta (Canada), etc. They lived in the Late Cretaceous period, dating to the end of the Cretaceous period 68 ...
Amargasaurus Size
Amargasaurus (scientific name: Amargasaurus cazaui) is a small to medium-sized sauropod dinosaur that lived in South America during the Cretaceous period. It was a quadruped vegetarian dinosaur with a long flattened skull and long neck, similar to its relative Dichrosaurus. However, it was taller th ...
Maiasaura Size
It has long been assumed that dinosaurs, like reptiles today, laid their eggs once and walked away. Until paleontologists discovered Maiasaur's lair and fossils, analysis of dinosaur footprint fossils shows that they often go out in formation, with big dinosaurs on both sides and small dinosaurs in ...
Mamenchisaurus Size
Mamenchisaurus was a large sauropod dinosaur known for its long neck, accounting for almost half of its total body length. Fossils of Mamenchisaurus have been found in several provinces in western China. Mamenchisaurus was the first giant sauropod dinosaur discovered after the founding of China.Mame ...
Corythosaurus SIze
Corythosaurus, the scientific name Corythosaurus casuarius means "helmet lizard," is a genus of the hadrosaurid family; it is named because there is a bony crest on the head that resembles a cockscomb. They are relatively large, and the running Corythosaurus roars past like a bus, but they are gentl ...
Plesiosaur Size
The plesiosaur is an extinct marine reptile belonging to the diapsid subclass Pinosaurus. It is a group that adapts to living in shallow water environments. It is named for its large size and long neck. According to the discovered fossils and research results, it can be known that the plesiosaur app ...
Liopleurodon Size
Liopleurodon is a marine reptile that lived about 170 million to 155 million years ago, during the late Jurassic period. The long jaw of Liopleurodon was full of sharp teeth; the Name Liopleurodon means "Smooth-Sided Teeth." Liopleurodon was a carnivorous marine reptile belonging to the short-necked ...
Inland Taipan Size
The inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), also commonly known as the western taipan, is the small-scaled snake, the fierce snake, and the large spotted snake. Don't underestimate these slender snakes. It is the most venomous land snake species worldwide, killing 200,000 mice with a single bite.I ...
Coastal Taipan Size
Taipan (scientific name: Oxyuranus scutellatus), also known as eastern taipan or coastal taipan, is a large-sized member of the genus Oxyuranus scutellatus and the largest venomous snake in Australia. Coastal taipan snakes are distributed along the eastern and northern coasts of Australia and also a ...
Rosy Boa Size
The rosy boa snake(scientific name: Lichanura trivirgata) is one of the smallest species in the Boidae family, non-toxic. The rose boa has long striped scales on its body, with the name coming from its rosy or Salmon coloration on its belly. This snake is mainly found in the southwestern United Stat ...
Ornithomimus Size
Ornithomimus is a theropod dinosaur of the late Cretaceous period, mainly found in the United States, Canada, and other North American regions. It got this name because it looks very similar to a large bird. Among the many types of dinosaurs, Ornithomimus is the most recognizable one. The appearance ...
Lambeosaurus Size
Lambeosaurus, which means "Lambe's Lizard," refers to a member of the hadrosaurid family that lived in North America during the Late Cretaceous period, about 799.6 million to 65.5 million years ago. The unique feature of Lambeosaurus is the ax-like headgear, which is tall, flat, and pointing forward ...
Ganges River Dolphin Size
The Ganges river dolphin (scientific name: Platanista gangetica) is a nominated subspecies of the South Asian river dolphin. This precious freshwater dolphin is mainly distributed in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, the Ganges River Basin, the Ganges-Brahmaputra River Basin, and the Karnaphuli-Sangu River ...
Coconut Octopus Size
Amphioctopus marginatus, commonly known as the coconut octopus, is known for its bipedal walking and tool use. This species is widely distributed in warm water in the Indo-West Pacific. They know how to hide in coconut shells or shells and like to carry stones and hard shells to build their homes. T ...
La Plata Dolphin Size
The La Plata Dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) is the only dolphin species that live in saltwater. Its greatest physical features are a particularly long, narrow beak and a large head. These rare aquatic animals are mainly found in the coastal Atlantic waters of southeastern South America, including ...
Horsehair Crab Size
The horsehair crab (scientific name: Erimacrus isenbeckii), also known as Hokkaido Kegani, is a perennial crab-like underwater creature produced in the waters of Hokkaido, Japan, and generally lives below a kilometer. The color of the body is bright red, and the limbs are underdeveloped but swim qui ...
Snow Crab Size
Snow crab (scientific name: Chionoecetes opilio) is a species native to the northern Pacific and northwestern Atlantic. Gray-eyed snow crabs are very similar to red-eyed snow crabs. When they are sold, they are generally called "snow crabs." They are also called "queen crabs" in Canada and "Matsuba ...
Tasmanian Giant Crab Size
Tasmanian Giant crab (Pseudocarcinus gigas), sometimes known as the giant deepwater crab, giant southern crab, or queen crab, is distributed in Australia's western and southern waters. Many people may confuse it with a king crab. Tasmanian Giant crabs inhabit western and southern Australia's rocky a ...
Jonah Crab Size
Many people confuse Jonah crabs with bread crabs in seafood markets. Jonah crabs are similar in appearance to bread crabs but have sweeter meat. Like Dungeness crabs, only male Jonah crabs are caught and sold by the fishery. The Jonah crab (Cancer borealis) is a sea crab that inhabits the east coast ...
Edible Crab Size
Bread crab (scientific name: Cancer pagurus), usually called edible or brown crab. This important seafood is mainly distributed in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea and is mainly concentrated in the waters near the British Isles. It is an important aquatic produc ...
Glass Octopus Size
There are many magical things in nature, including transparent creatures. One of the most mysterious transparent marine life in the world, the glass octopus is a deep-sea octopus that is hard to spot in the dark deep ocean.The glass octopus (Vitreledonella richardi) is a very rare cephalopod found m ...
Glasswing Butterfly Size
Walking through the dense and mysterious rainforest, you may turn a blind eye to the glasswing butterfly (scientific name: Greta oto) because there are so many exotic flora and fauna to catch your eye. The most insidious and intriguing feature of this amazing glasswing butterfly is its transparent w ...
Blanket Octopus Size
The blanket octopus (Tremoctopus violaceus) gets its peculiar name from the blanket-like muscle membrane between its arms and legs. They extend their legs into giant "blankets" when in danger to scare off approaching predators. Usually, the giant blanket octopuses we see are females.The blanket octo ...
Caribbean Reef Octopus Size
The most beautiful and attractive octopus in the world is the Caribbean reef octopus (Octopus briareus); this medium octopus has mastered the art of camouflage and can quickly change color, patterns, and even texture to blend in with its surroundings. From the name, you can tell that the Caribbean r ...
Sea Walnut Size
Sea walnut (Latin name: Mnemiopsis leidyi), also called as the comb jelly, is native to coastal waters of the western Atlantic but has become an invasive species in regions of Europe and West Asia. These are not jellyfish but comb jellies. Jellyfish swim using water jets, while ctenophores vibrate o ...
Sea Angel Size
Sea angel, scientific name: Clione limacina, is a planktonic mollusk living under the ice in cold seas such as the Arctic and Antarctic at a depth of 350 meters. They were originally described as a species of pteropod. "Clione limacina" is derived from the name of the sea god in Greek mythology.Alth ...
Vampire Squid Size
The vampire squid, the scientific name Vampyroteuthis infernalis, means "the vampire squid from hell. They are cephalopods and sea creatures with jelly-like bodies. The vampire squid is the only living member of the family, Vampyroteuthidae. The Vampire squid has a strange appearance, with dark bloo ...
African Civet Size
The African Civet (scientific name: Civettictis civetta) is a civet cat in tropical Africa. It is the only true Civet found in Africa and the largest Civet in Africa. They are not like cats like other civets but like short dogs. African civets are found throughout sub-Saharan regions except for the ...
Emerald Tree Boa Size
The Emerald Tree Boa (scientific name: Corallus caninus), distributed in northern South America, inhabits the lowland rainforest and is a non-toxic arboreal boa. No subspecies have been found yet, but there are many regional species. Although there are no other subspecies, there are many differences ...
California Kingsnake Size
The California kingsnake (Lampropeltis californiae) is the most common species of Kingsnake, Lampropeltis. This scientific name describes the characteristics of this type of snake very accurately: glossy, smooth, with scaly.Lampropeltis can be found in almost all regions of the United States: south ...
Green Tree Python Size
The Green Tree Python (scientific name: Morelia viridis) is a small arboreal nocturnal python native to New Guinea, Indonesia, and northern Australia. Although it is a boa constrictor, the body length of this species rarely exceeds 180 centimeters, which is considered a pocket-sized boa constrictor. ...
Carpet Python Size
Carpet pythons (scientific name: Morelia spilota) are named for their unique patterns resembling carpets. They are the most common species in the genus Morelia and are widely distributed in Australia, New Guinea, and some islands in Indonesia. Carpet pythons live in a wide variety of environments, f ...