"Discus Throw" Related Articles
Blanket Sizes
There is nothing as comforting as getting into your blanket on a cold misty morning. The type of blanket and the blanket size plays an essential role in comforting you through the night. The right blanket size fulfills your comforting needs and keeps you warm and cozy through the night.Different cou ...
Javelin Size Guide
Javelin throw is one of the most talked about track and field events. In the field, athletes throw javelins and compare distances. Javelin throwing is also one of the decathlon and heptathlon events. Javelin throwing is a relatively complex multi-axis rotation sport that requires excellent physical ...
Discus Size Guide
The discus throw is a popular sport with a long history. Discus throw originated from the ancient Greeks' entertainment of throwing stone chips. In the ancient Olympic Games, discus became an official event, but the equipment used in the competition was flat stones, and there was no uniform standard ...
Discus Fish Size Guide
The discus fish (scientific name: Symphysodon), also known as the colorful angelfish, is native to the Amazon River Basin. It is a common class of tropical freshwater fish in aquariums. It is named for its flat, disc-shaped body, and its body color changes with age. The dorsal and anal fins are rela ...