DeAndre Hopkins Height report

DeAndre Hopkins is a Professional American Football Player from Central, South Carolina, United States, DeAndre Hopkins was born on June 06, 1992, and is currently 31 years old. DeAndre Hopkins's height is 6 ft 1 in or 185 cm.

In addition to DeAndre Hopkins's height, below and you can see the detailed information list of DeAndre Hopkins, including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.

DeAndre Hopkins Basic Information
Name DeAndre Hopkins
Height 6 ft 1 in or 185 cm
Weight 99 kg or 218 lbs
Birthday June 06, 1992
Age 31
Zodiac Sign Gemini
Nationality United-States
Born Place Central, South Carolina, United States
Birth Name DeAndre Rashaun Hopkins
Nick Name(s) Hopkins

More biography

DeAndre Hopkins's Best known for Playing in the National Football League (NFL) as a wide receiver.
DeAndre Hopkins's Body Measurements DeAndre Hopkins’ body specifications may be –
  • Chest – 49 in or 124.5 cm
  • Arms / Biceps – 16 in or 41 cm
  • Waist – 35.5 in or 90 cm
DeAndre Hopkins's Brand Endorsements DeAndre has appeared in a TV commercial for DraftKings.
DeAndre Hopkins's Build Athletic
DeAndre Hopkins's Distinctive Features
  • Cornrows hairstyle
  • Muscular body
  • Long hair
DeAndre Hopkins's Eye Color Black
DeAndre Hopkins's First American Football Match DeAndre had his NFL debut on September 9, 2013 when as a member of Houston Texans, he faced San Diego Chargers. Eventually, Houston won that game by 3 with the final score being 31-28.
DeAndre Hopkins's First Film DeAndre has not performed in a film yet.
DeAndre Hopkins's First TV Show Other than NFL matches itself, Hopkins has not appeared in any other TV show.
DeAndre Hopkins's Girlfriend / Spouse DeAndre Hopkins has dated –
  1. Amina Blue (2016-2018)
  2. Iggy Azalea (2018)
DeAndre Hopkins's Hair Color Black
DeAndre Hopkins's Manager DeAndre is signed with Todd France (CAA Sports).
DeAndre Hopkins's Occupation Professional American Football Player
DeAndre Hopkins's Personal Trainer Hopkins’s workout and diet programs are not known in detail. However, we found a video of him putting in work during the 2013 Combine Workout. The video can be seen on YouTube.
DeAndre Hopkins's Positions Wide Receiver
DeAndre Hopkins's Race / Ethnicity Black
DeAndre Hopkins's Religion Hopkins is a Christian. In 2012, he decided to dedicate himself to God full-time.
DeAndre Hopkins's Sexual Orientation Straight
DeAndre Hopkins's Shirt Number 10
DeAndre Hopkins's Shoe Size Unknown

This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of DeAndre Hopkins. The height of DeAndre Hopkins is 6 ft 1 in or 185 cm. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of DeAndre Hopkins. If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.

This page provide the details of DeAndre Hopkins height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.


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