Carla Bruni Height report

Carla Bruni is a Singer-songwriter, model, actress from Turin, Italy, Carla Bruni was born on December 23, 1967, and is currently 56 years old. Carla Bruni's height is 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm.

In addition to Carla Bruni's height, below and you can see the detailed information list of Carla Bruni, including height, weight, zodiac sign, nickname, nationality, hair color, eye color, educational background (if any), occupation, race, clothing size (if any), shoe size (if any), religious belief, label, spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend (if any), family (if any), sexual orientation (if any), distinctive features, favorite things, facts, etc.

Carla Bruni Basic Information
Name Carla Bruni
Height 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm
Weight 66 kg or 145½ pounds
Birthday December 23, 1967
Age 56
Zodiac Sign Capricorn
Nationality Italy
Born Place Turin, Italy
Birth Name Carla Gilberta Bruni Tedeschi
Nick Name(s) Carla

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Carla Bruni's Best known for Her modeling and singing careers and for marrying French ex-president, Nicolas Sarkozy.
Carla Bruni's Body Measurements 36-24-35 in or 91.5-61-89 cm
Carla Bruni's Bra Size 34B
Carla Bruni's Build Athletic
Carla Bruni's Distinctive Features Multi-talented personality – She is a successful model and singer.
Carla Bruni's Dress Size 4 (US) or 34 (EU)
Carla Bruni's Education Background Carla went to Château Mont-Choisi (boarding school) in Lausanne, Switzerland. She then started studying art and architecture at Paris. But, at the age of 19, she left school to pursue a full time career in modeling.
Carla Bruni's Eye Color Blue
Carla Bruni's First Album Carla’s first album was Quelqu’un m’a dit released on April 8, 2003 via Naïve Records. It charted at #1 in French and Belgian music charts. It was certified as ‘Platinum’ in Belgium and Canada. The album consisted of 12 songs and received fairly good reviews.
Carla Bruni's First Fashion Show Carla debuted with Ready to Wear – Spring / Summer 1989 fashion show where she walked the ramp for Valentino.
Carla Bruni's First Film She debuted with 1994 film Prêt-à-Porter (released in US as Ready to Wear) as herself. Her role was uncredited. Next in 1998, she appeared in French comedy film Paparazzi as herself.
Carla Bruni's First TV Show She has not appeared in a television show yet.
Carla Bruni's Hair Color Dark Brown
Carla Bruni's Instruments Vocals
Carla Bruni's Label(s) Naïve Records, Universal Music
Carla Bruni's Manager As a model, she is signed with these agencies –
  • ZZO Talents – Paris
  • Storm Models – London
  • D’Management Group – Milan
Carla Bruni's Occupation Singer-songwriter, model, actress
Carla Bruni's Race / Ethnicity White She has Italian and French ancestry on her mom’s side.
Carla Bruni's Religion Roman Catholic
Carla Bruni's Sexual Orientation Straight
Carla Bruni's Shoe Size 7 (US) or 38 (EU) or 4 (UK)

This page provides the height, weight, waist circumference (if any) and other body size information of Carla Bruni. The height of Carla Bruni is 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm. You can also see a lot of other detailed public information of Carla Bruni. If you find that the information provided on the current page is wrong, please click the "report" link at the top of the page to tell us.

This page provide the details of Carla Bruni height. We used the healthyceleb as a reference.


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